Wednesday, November 17, 2010


How To Start A Conversation And Make Friends
How to Start a
Conversation &
Make Friends
Painfully Shy: How to Overcome Social Anxiety and Reclaim Your Life
Painfully Shy
Well, last night we had the pleasure of entertaining Keith's friend Erica and her boyfriend Pete at our home. Keith made quesadillas. We had a bunch of stuff to go with them. Erica and Pete brought tomatoes, lettuce, donuts and beer. So we all shared stories about drinking and such, however, I really couldn't get past my shyness at all. I didn't speak much and basically clung to Keith. I just have it in my head somewhere or something that everyone will judge me because I'm not this really awesome person like everyone else seems to be. It was probably obvious that I am shy. I mean, all things considered. Granted I was in the comfort of my home, but still. I was really nervous-ish. I didn't take anything for it because, at the moment, I can't afford to get the prescription refilled, so I'm being extremely mild with it. So I found a book on eBay and I purchased it. Hopefully it'll work out - Painfully Shy is the title. I also found another book which maybe I ought to purchase... "How to Start a Conversation and Make Friends" I always have difficulty doing so. So Pete asked us if we had a laser pointer for Oreo, we said no, but then Keith remembered his Nerf gun from college had one and so he got it and teased her for a little bit. It was comical.

So.. in other news.. I went to CVS last night to get a different prescription filled and because of the plan I'm on through the state (SelectPlan for Women) I got it for free! Usually I was used to paying between $20-$60 for it! INSANE!! I was shocked. I was so excited about it for various reasons. I think Keith was pretty excited, too. Ha-ha.

This pretty much concludes my thoughts for the day...

Until next time - Kristin

Thankfulness Day 17 - I'm thankful for good laughs with good people.

Monday, November 15, 2010

I'm thankful for.... (catch-up)

Since I haven't posted much here is a mid-month catch-up of my Thankfulnesses. Enjoy. 

Day 15 of Thankfulness (Monday) - I am thankful for the family I've come to grow so fond of - the Reifsnyder's. They've welcomed me into their family and include me in the family gatherings and get togethers. They are absolutely wonderful people.

Day 14 of Thankfulness (Sunday) - I am thankful to have Keith in my life. He is my rock to lean on. Without Keith I would be lost. He is everything to me. He helped me find myself without realizing he was doing it.

Day 13 of Thankfulness (Saturday) - I am thankful to have the opportunity to volunteer for things in this community.

Day 12 of Thankfulness (Friday) - I am thankful to know Mary Jane. She's Keith's grandmother, but she reminds me so much of my Nana that I feel more whole. She's easy to talk to. I love her.

Day 11 of Thankfulness (Thursday) - I am thankful for having a job, regardless if it is part-time it's still something to help towards the bills.

Day 10 of Thankfulness (Wednesday) - I am thankful to getting back in touch with a friend who hasn't been around so much in the last few years. Marcie.

Day 9 of Thankfulness (Tuesday) - I am thankful to have my Oreo. She can be a pain in the butt sometimes, but she makes me laugh with some of the crazy things she does. Ever see a cat chase it's tail? I never did until Oreo did it and Keith pointed it out.

Day 8 of Thankfulness (Monday) - I am thankful to have what little family I do have. Without them I wouldn't be who I am today.

Day 7 of Thankfulness (Sunday) - I am thankful to be able to rest while being sick.

Day 6 of Thankfulness (Saturday) - I am thankful to have my dad. He's always been there for me and is my absolute hero. I love you.

Day 5 of Thankfulness (Friday) - I am thankful to have the food I am eating. It nourishes me and gives me strength.

Day 4 of Thankfulness (Thursday) - I am thankful to have a roof over my head and a warm place to sleep.

Day 3 of Thankfulness (Wednesday) - I am thankful to have had the courage to join Choir at Church and actually stick with it and really enjoy it!

Day 2 of Thankfulness (Tuesday) - I am thankful to met new people and attempt to overcome my shyness.

Day 1 of Thankfulness (Monday) - I am thankful that I was able to move on and get on with my life after everything I've gone through.

That's all for now. I felt it was necessary to share this..


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Election Tuesday

Today is Election Day.. Thank God! The damn commercials will stop and I don't have to hear it. Yay!!! Unfortunately I wasn't able to vote today which sucks because it's we're changing governor for the state! Ugh. Come on people, pick the right candidate! So, the maintenance guy finally came this morning. He fixed our commode and our storage lock! We no longer have to use a screwdriver to bust into it! That's exciting.

In other news, my SIM card on my cell is locked so I can't call or receive calls, send or receive texts, or really anything to do with my phone. It just sits there and asks me if I want to call 911. Which, I do not because I do not have an emergency. I hate AT&T. We're going to AT&T after Keith gets out of work then today to get a new one. However, I may have lost all of my contact, which bites the big one. A friend of mine said they should be able to get the contacts off the locked card - he should know, he used to work for them. We'll see what perspires.

It was in the high 20s this morning. Burrr! Too cold. So, my birthday is in 27 days! I'm not sure if I'm excited or not. I'll be 24 and my life doesn't seem like it's really going anywhere except standing still. My bucket list is basically useless at this point in time. Regardless, I'm still kickin'. Until next time...
