Since I haven't posted much here is a mid-month catch-up of my Thankfulnesses. Enjoy.
Day 15 of Thankfulness (Monday) - I am thankful for the family I've come to grow so fond of - the Reifsnyder's. They've welcomed me into their family and include me in the family gatherings and get togethers. They are absolutely wonderful people.
Day 14 of Thankfulness (Sunday) - I am thankful to have Keith in my life. He is my rock to lean on. Without Keith I would be lost. He is everything to me. He helped me find myself without realizing he was doing it.
Day 13 of Thankfulness (Saturday) - I am thankful to have the opportunity to volunteer for things in this community.
Day 12 of Thankfulness (Friday) - I am thankful to know Mary Jane. She's Keith's grandmother, but she reminds me so much of my Nana that I feel more whole. She's easy to talk to. I love her.
Day 11 of Thankfulness (Thursday) - I am thankful for having a job, regardless if it is part-time it's still something to help towards the bills.
Day 10 of Thankfulness (Wednesday) - I am thankful to getting back in touch with a friend who hasn't been around so much in the last few years. Marcie.
Day 9 of Thankfulness (Tuesday) - I am thankful to have my Oreo. She can be a pain in the butt sometimes, but she makes me laugh with some of the crazy things she does. Ever see a cat chase it's tail? I never did until Oreo did it and Keith pointed it out.
Day 8 of Thankfulness (Monday) - I am thankful to have what little family I do have. Without them I wouldn't be who I am today.
Day 7 of Thankfulness (Sunday) - I am thankful to be able to rest while being sick.
Day 6 of Thankfulness (Saturday) - I am thankful to have my dad. He's always been there for me and is my absolute hero. I love you.
Day 5 of Thankfulness (Friday) - I am thankful to have the food I am eating. It nourishes me and gives me strength.
Day 4 of Thankfulness (Thursday) - I am thankful to have a roof over my head and a warm place to sleep.
Day 3 of Thankfulness (Wednesday) - I am thankful to have had the courage to join Choir at Church and actually stick with it and really enjoy it!
Day 2 of Thankfulness (Tuesday) - I am thankful to met new people and attempt to overcome my shyness.
Day 1 of Thankfulness (Monday) - I am thankful that I was able to move on and get on with my life after everything I've gone through.
That's all for now. I felt it was necessary to share this..