Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day 154, Tuesday

So, we're chugging along happily. Last night Keith made a cake his grandmother used to make. It's called Cinnamon Flop. It was yummy. After he made that we made dinner - tortolini.There really wasn't enough of that for the both of us, but we made it work. Ended up having a lot of sauce left over, which I jarred back up and refrigerated. While the pasta was cooking I made cookies. We got shorted 1 by Pillsbury. Yarrr. I was kind of annoyed by that factor, but whatever. They're still good. They're the Halloween cookies that have the scared cat on it. I think of Oreo because it's a grey cat. At any rate, work has been picking up a bit and Fred (my manager) says we'll discuss raises 2nd week of November. That makes me happy.

I want to start Christmas shopping now because a lot of stores are reintroducing Layaway, which is great, because we can pay a little now and pay the rest over the course of 8 weeks. That's right in time for Christmas! Can you believe October is nearly over? I can't get over how quickly this year has gone. It doesn't seem like 5 months for Keith and I already, granted it seems longer because of how close we are, but it seems like yesterday that we started talking sometimes.

My little diva is so spoiled she expects a can of cat food every morning before her Daddy and I leave for work. She's such a snob. I love her anyway. She has so many nicknames it's unbelievable. Well then.. let's see. I plan on starting our scrapbook tonight now that I have pictures and a scrapbook with sliders in it. I'm excited. Oh, so I finished a third wedding video. Go to my YouTube profile and you can view all three.. http://www.youtube.com/user/Krissie8605?feature=mhsn. Let me know your thoughts.

Yesterday, I left work early because I wasn't feeling well. I was dizzy, cold sweats, and felt like I could vomit at any time. Well, I went home and slept til Keith got home from work. Thanks to Terri for bringing him home. I figured it was due to something I had eaten. It turns out to be true. I had yogurt yesterday that apparently expired September 29, and I just bought them about two weeks ago. So I' might call Wal-Mart and yell at them for not keeping an eye on their stock. That is gross.

Still no word on my Blazer. I'm square with Kenny for the work he has already done to it, which was replacing the timing belt, thermostat, and the radiator. So I'm sure you can imagine that I'm getting rather annoyed because I want it back. I feel like I am taking advantage of Keith because of having to use his vehicle. I mean, I've been helping with gas and I am going to help toward the maintenance that we just had done on it last week, but it's just the whole point. I feel like crap about it.

On a side note, I'm a little down today.. but I'm not going to divulge into what is bothering me. A certain someone knows what it is, or at least should know. Well, I think that's really about all to write today. See you later or tomorrow!


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